Mechanical Engineering Project Ideas:
To accomplish a bachelor’s or diploma in engineering, you need to pass every semester or year’s exams. In the final or third year, you have to submit a project relevant to stream also. Project submission is compulsory for every stream or branch to expose technical skills and knowledge that you have gained during your graduation. And it is also the best time to prove your knowledge. In this article, we will share some of the best mechanical engineering project ideas that may help students, engineers, and researchers express their skills.
The project submission duration, timing, and weight may vary at different universities. In some universities, projects are categorized as minor and major. Minor projects need to be submitted in the third year, and major projects in the fourth year. The minor project takes fewer durations to finish, and the major has a longer duration to complete. You may start both projects at the same time and on the same topics. Just, for example, present the design and blueprint during the minor project submission. And in the final submission, you will represent the finished prototype. There is a huge list of innovative minor and major project ideas. Here we will share some of the best and most simple mechanical engineering projects.
No idea is too small, and all sorts of ideas have potential to change the world as we know it for the better.
– Richard Brenson
Latest Minor Mechanical Engineering Project ideas:
Here is the list of some minor engineering project ideas that will be present during the lower classes of graduation. Also, that will help you to execute the major projects.
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1. Best Mechanical Project Idea: Can crusher –

The can crusher is a simple mechanism. In this project, you need to design a reciprocating mechanism that will create a force to crush the aluminum cans. Also need to make a layout to feeding system and scrape handling to collect the crushed cans. You may use an electric motor to actuate the reciprocating mechanism, also you can use a fueled engine. The whole unit needs to mount on a rigid structure, that must have an optimised weight. This one is the most simple mechanical engineering project. A can crusher is very useful product for a junk dealer. A good looking machine can attract to the consumer after drink. This makes sense for the recycling process.
For more mechanical engineering project details you can take help from various websites, YouTube channels. Also, For CAD design, 3D PDF, Animation and drafting and other help like project details and documentary, you can write a comment in the comment section. We will contact you. Also, we can provide a mechanical engineering project PDF other technical support as well.
2. Mechanical Project Idea: Coconut Scrapper Machine –
Farmers and juice vendors must have this kind of machine. But usually have a manual type of machine that takes lots of manual effort and time to scrap the coconut. So you can design and make an automatic coconut scrapping machine that can be powered by an electric motor or an IC engine. To make it economically and environmentally friendlier you can use solar power as well. For adding automation you have to spend more amount so this project may continue for major projects. The small and good size will also make it suitable for homes. This will also be suitable for home appliances. This project can be considered both minor and major mechanical projects.
3. Amla Punching (Piercing) Machine –

This is also the best machine for farmers and small juice vendors and housing industries. Amlas are bitter and sour in taste. Amla fruit consumption is gradually increased in the last decades. The amla or Indian gooseberry is used to make juice, pickles, murabba Or Jam. This fruit is full of Vitamin C. So right now this fruit is most demanding in the market. These days, the Production of juice, pickles and candies also increased. Before, making various dishes they have to punch or sliced them into small pieces. But it is very hard to pierce the amla. So simplifying this process you can design an automated piercing machine. It may have a reciprocating mechanism. Almost similar to the can crusher.
4. Simplest Mechanical Project Idea: Fruit size segregator –
This idea goes viral these days, an Indian fruit vendor has built a simple machine or Jugaad that can segregate the fruits as per size. All similar size fruits were collected into a bin. This is so simple and innovative idea. It helps to save time for segregation. Fruit segregation is really boring and time-consuming work. A fruit vendor or distributor needs a lot of human effort and time to do this task. But, using this jugaad this work will happen in a short time. This is will be the best example of sampling, sizing and segregation. You can add automation to this process to improve. And this will be a key solution for the transportation and material handling industries.
The given link will help you to understand the simplification of the Fruit segregator machine. Personally, I believe that we do not need to be graduates to work on innovative concepts. And there no one university is available where you can learn how to get ideas! For finding any great idea you must have to face problems.

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5. LPG Gas cylinder picking cart
A gas cylinder is used in every house these days. But lifting and carrying these heavy cylinders is exhausting work. Especially for gas-filled cylinders, lifting a heavy cylinder is too hard. So you can design and make a simple cart that can pick up and carry the cylinder. This should be suitable for carrying the filled cylinder outside as well. You need to use two casters and a flexible platform. And we also need to design it ergonomically. This idea is also suitable for industries where such kinds of cylinders and drums of goods need to be carried and transported. For easy and smooth operation, you can add a different variety of casters.
6. Touchless hand sanitiser dispenser –
During and after the COVID-19 pandemic, consumption of sanitiser has been increased drastically. For sanitising, a dispenser is must required. But, most of the time dispensers are operated with germy hands. This operation happens frequently. Avoiding contact, we can make a sensor unit that detects hand motion and discharges the fluid. This project will be the most important project for mechatronics and electronics students. Mechanical students can add a foot pedal mechanism to operate it.
7. Pesticides and sanitiser drone sprayer –

The pesticide and sanitizer sprayer is also good for electronics and mechatronics. We need to add a liquid sprayer with a drone that can spray fluid from a height. This will be the best application in agriculture and sanitizing. Right now, a large variety of product ranges are available on the market. But you can optimize the whole mechanism.
8. Best Creative Mechanical Project Idea: Food shredder bicycle –
Food or vegetable waste handling is quite difficult for everyone. This kind of product will be a boon for every home. A grass shredder needs to attach to the rear wheel. That can be powered manual or an electric motor. The vegetables and green food are cut into small pieces, then they will be easy to dispose of into the ground. Small pieces can be easily transformed into organic compost. So, this project is also a boon for farmers, restaurants or large kitchen owners.
9. Vegetable cutting Machine –
A vegetable cutting machine chops the vegetable into different shapes and pieces. You can add automation, and some sensors to optimize. Then add a variety of cutters. this will be a very useful product for households and restaurants and bigger kitchens. Where they need to chop the vegetables in a large quantity within a short time. In this project, you have to use food-grade steel instead of plastic so it will be more beneficial.
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10. Watertank level Indicator with switch –
Water is most important for our life. As you are a good engineer, you should save natural gifts, like water, energy, fresh air, etc. In our daily life, we can see the overflowing water tanks. Due to that, a lot of water spills away as waste. We have very few resources of freshwater. So we need to think about it, and it is our duty as well. We need to make a mechanical and non-mechanical valve that can control and turn on or off the flow. These kinds of various products are available in the market, but most of the products do not work efficiently. So we can optimise and redesign this thing.
In this article, These are the best and most innovative Mechanical engineering project ideas on which a student or researcher can work individually. Such types of projects can enthusiasm your technical skill and knowledge. And also expresses yourself as social, and environment friendly. And in future, those projects may turn into a good product from where you can earn money. As soon we will share some major project ideas as well. If you want more detailed information about the above-mentioned projects, let’s comment. We will also write a detailed article on these and some other project ideas. if you have any new idea please suggest us, we will try to make a part of our next article.